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my daily green shake

Spirulina is the star ingredient and I swear it flattens the tummy. Plus a lot of other great things for you too:

+ It’s loaded with all your B vitamins plus iron, magnesium, potassium and protein too.

+ It’s a powerful antioxidant—which helps your skin from the inside out.

+ It improves gut health by flushing out toxins. This helps regulate your bowels which effectively prevents bloating.

And while I love spirulina, the taste is actually repulsive by itself. I’ve found the best way to add it to my diet is through my green smoothie where I can’t taste the it at all.

The other great benefit of drinking my greens is because I can drink way more greens than I’d ever eat on my own.

This isn’t an exact recipe so don’t get too concerned about measurements. You can’t really get it wrong. This does make two servings though. I find it super easy and convenient to make this in my Vitamix (or any blender) and drink half one day and the rest the next. Store it in the fridge and you’re all set for tomorrow!


+ 2 cups kale (I buy a big bag fresh and freeze mine)

+ 1 cup spinach (same thing—buy it fresh and freeze)

+ frozen fruit (use whatever you want and switch it up so your smoothie never gets boring!)

+ 1 banana

+ juice of 1 lemon

+ 1 pitted date

+ 1 heaping teaspoon of spirulina (I use this one)

+ half of a cucumber (feel free to freeze this too)

Combine and add enough water to the blender so it blends!

Easy as that! Add this into your morning routine for the perfect jumpstart to your day!!

xx, Natalie