my best sleep tips

+ @nataliefeaster |

Let’s talk about optimizing our sleep! So much emphasis is placed on a morning routine but I’d argue a nighttime routine is just as important. Catching your Zzz’s is when your body repairs itself, especially your skin! WHICH MEANS you need a good night’s sleep if you’re trying to glow from the inside out.

I’m not someone that can function on minimal amounts of sleep either (but nor would I want to). I NEED my sleep. Without it, I don’t look the same, I don’t act the same and I definitely don’t concentrate the same. I’m just off. Is anyone with me?? 

This is exactly why I don’t f*ck around when it comes to my sleep and have a pretty strict bedtime routine.

I get pretty specific below on what that looks like and hopefully you can take something away! Always find/do what works best for you but I guarantee, the better the sleep, the less stress, the better you look and feel!


+ NO BEDROOM TV | initially this was probably because we were broke AF so a TV in the living room and bedroom wasn’t an option but it’s a hard no for me now. Nothing about lying in bed with the TV on is relaxing which is why our bedroom is for sleeping and f*cking. I’d argue if you fall asleep with yours on orrrrrr stay up later than ya should because you’re tuned in watching something… it’s probably disrupting your sleep too.

+ COMMIT TO THAT PM SKINCARE ROUTINE | my non-negotiable, I even do it drunk. Two snaps for anyone else who does the same—that’s my kind of dedication. There’s really no greater beauty tip than washing your face every night. It sets you up for glowy skin in the morning—while you’re snoozing, your skin’s repairing and it to be clean so it can properly do it’s job.

+ PLAY SOME SLEEP MUSIC | Drowning out background noise is key! I love any of the sleep playlists on Spotify (especially this one lately) but listen to whatever you find relaxing. You can even turn on a fan for the white noise effect too.

+ MIST YOUR PILLOW | I’m pretty sure the first time I started using a pillow spray before bed Jesse rolled his eyes but trust me, he’s fully on board at this point. We are obsessed with this one.

+ WEAR AN EYE MASK | eye masks are like blackout curtains for your face and they pretty much force shut eye. I also suggest using some pillow spray on your eye mask too because why not?

+ DIFFUSE LAVENDER | I’ve been using the Sleep blend from Vitruvi lately and put my diffuser right on my nightstand so it pretty much smacks me in the face? Too much, idk. There are so many essentials oils so take your pic but I highly suggest lavender. It’s a natural remedy for insomnia, promotes relaxation and just improves sleep overall. If you’re not too keen on lavender, try frankincense, chamomile or ylang ylang.

+ PUT THE ELECTRONICS AWAY | to be completely transparent, I’m 100% still working on this myself. Lately I’ve been trying to read for 20 minutes instead (which definitely makes me sleepy lol) but I try and limit nighttime scrolling to 5-10 minutes only. In addition, scrolling Insta at 3 am because you woke up in the middle of the night is a sure fire way to f*ck up your sleep and probably entire next day. The blue light from your phone stimulates your brain to thinking it’s wake time, even though your body still needs rest. So if at all possible, don’t unlock your phone!

+ HAVE A BEDTIME | this one is important. Your circadian rhythm likes consistency so I strive to be *IN BED* by 10 pm. I’m a Grandma but whatever bedtime works for your life + schedule, try and stick to it as much as you can.

That’s all she wrote! My very specific sleep hacks / nighttime routine. What are your sleep tricks? Share with me below!

xx, Natalie


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