blackheads, begone!

+ @nataliefeaster |

before we get started, some pore myths we need to address:

+1 || Pores open and close > Your pores are *always* open and honestly, thx god. Pores are exactly why we can sweat, secrete oil and shed dead skin cells. They are essential to healthy, glowing skin.

+2 || Pores can shrink > there’s no changing the size of your pores sis. Pores sizes are largely genetic. Using the right skincare products can certainly help minimize their size though. Also, while we’re at it, lemme just tell you something. In general, our skin will age most like our mothers, fortunately (or unfortunately for idk).

+3 || Blackheads contain trapped dirt > no, in fact they contain none at all. Their black color occurs as a result of oxidation. These pores open to the surface of the skin (aka open comedones) and the exposure to air that causes them to oxidize and turn their black color. Another reason why you need to use *anti*oxidants in your skincare routine!

+4 || It’s always a blackhead > did you know that not every dot on your nose or in the T-zone indicates a blackhead? In fact, most of the time you’re probably looking at fine hair follicles known as sebaceous filaments. These are a naturally occurring part of the skin and play an important role in your skin’s oil production. Regardless of how much you try to extract these, they will always come back.

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT || *all* skin has pores. Instagram filters are not real life and that’s not real skin.

so then…

Q: what are blackheads and how do you get rid of them?

A: Blackheads are essentially an accumulation of oil mixed with dead skin cells that get trapped in the pores. When this mix of oil and dead skin cells hit open air, it oxidizes and turns the pore its infamous black color. Blackheads are prone in certain skin types but also sometimes the result of genetics.


+ REGULAR FACIALS || shoot for every 4-6 weeks. Professional extractions are key to ensure blackheads are removed properly (without damage to the skin) and will help keep the skin clear.  

+ NEVER SKIP YOUR NIGHTTIME CLEANSE || blackheads are not a result of dirt per se but going to bed with makeup on your face is just adding to the development of clogged pores which can lead to blackheads.

+ VITAMIN C || a blackhead turns black due to oxidization from air exposure. To fight this process and keep the pore from oxidizing so quickly, use an antioxidant like vitamin C.

+ SALICYCLIC ACID || this beta hydroxy acid- helps unclog pores and absorbs oil, both key in the prevention of blackheads.

+ LONG TERM RETINOL USE || retinol increases cell turnover and regulates the skin’s oil production. It also helps fade dark spots caused by acne (which often goes hand and hand w/ blackheads).

+ SULFUR || many clarifying masks contain this ingredient and for good reason! It’s cleanses the pores with its antimicrobial properties and aids in absorbing excess oil.

+ @nataliefeaster |

a lesson in cleansing


a guide to building your skincare routine